
Apologies for the lack of posts as of lately, it's currently that time of the semester where everything and by that I mean, literally, EVERYTHING is due! Despite having 7 Assessment items to hand up by Friday, I thought I'd sneak in a little post, which you can actually make at home yourself.

Breakfast burritos are a great way to get rid of any leftovers from dinner last night, or if you happen to have sausage meat and tortillas on you. You can add anything and everything you like, and I find it quite healthy and a great way to start the day as they are quite filling, but not sickening (unless you're a greedy pig and eat more than you should). Also great for a hangover, but works great as a brunch or even lunch option!

This morning I fried up some mince beef with caramalised onions, garlic, cumin, tomato salsa and paprika. I then added a sprinkling of cheese, scrambled eggs with parmesan, smashed avocado, and a coleslaw mix (grated carrot, cabbage, purple cabbage) on a toasted tortilla.

Here are some filling ideas to get you started, it is up to you how you want to season and spice your food, and what kind of fillings you wish to mix and match with:

  • Egg - Scrambled, fried, boiled, poached... Anyway you like! Scrambled is probably easiest.

  • Meat - Sausage (chopped up), mince beef, bacon, chicken, any left over taco meat, chorizo, ham, or any other cold meat you have in the fridge that would go well!

  • Vegetarian (and some) vegan options - Bleack beans, Lentils, Chickpeas, mushrooms, potato, hashbrowns, feta cheese, zucchini

  • Other veggies/stuffings: Coleslaw mix, cabbage/purple cabbage, coriander, tomato, spring onions, baby spinach, red onion, capsicum, avocado, shredded cheese, cucumber, carrot.

  • Dressing: Hot sauce, sour cream, kewpie mayo, ketchup, BBQ sauce, salsa, chipotle aioli, garlic aioli, cheese sauce, pesto.

Let us know if you decide to try it in the comments! Alternatively, tag us on Instagram or on Facebook: