
I found a great recipe that can be easily accomplished by anyone, even any disastrous chef!! It tastes great, and even better... Looks way impressive, even the name makes it sound super fancy!

As always, I made my own alterations to the recipe, which I feel makes everything better:

  • I used half a cup of sugar instead of 1 as I do not like my pastry cream sickingly sweet.

  • I didn't roll out any of the store bought puff pastry. I just cut the squares into half (to make rectangles).

  • I then sprinkled the pastry with caster sugar, then placed baking paper and another oven tray on top to stop it from rising too high/curling/blistering.

  • For the chantilly cream, I used soft icing sugar and only about 2 tablespoons.

  • I didn't use any icing at all, I just spread some strawberry jam on the top (I couldn't find any seedless strawberry jam in the supermarket).

  • I piped the bottom layers with the white chocolate pastry cream, then piped the chantilly cream on the top layer only.

How you make it is completely up to you. Always feel free to change the fillings and fruit... Let me know how you go and what creations you come up with in the comments below!

The recipe I followed is located below - Click on the button!