Kickin' Inn

Prepare for a real KICK IN the guts because this place was not worth the hype.

Upon our arrival, we were informed that more than half of the items listed on the menu were unavailable for a 6pm booking. Surprisingly, despite the unavailability of certain dishes like the crawfish, we observed other tables receiving their orders of the same item after we had placed ours. Additionally, we were disappointed to discover that they had run out of their house beer and Coke Zero.

To make matters worse, we paid $28.95 for a measly portion of 20 pieces of salt and pepper squid that tasted remarkably similar to a cheap, under-seasoned, and flavourless frozen alternative available for a fraction of the price.

The seafood was all overcooked, almost like the seafood was precooked prior to being added to the sauces.

Regrettably, we begrudgingly consumed our orders as we do not condone food waste. Furthermore, the service we received was woefully inattentive, bordering on non-existent.

Considering these disappointments, it would be wise to save your appetite and seek alternatives that provide a more satisfying experience.

Save the calories.